How To Cite My Essay: Basic Rules To Keep In Mind 

APA and MLA are the two primary writing styles encouraged by maximum professors. APA is the “American Psychological Association” and MLA is the “Modern Language Association” writing style. MLA is most commonly employed by various colleges of United States. Hence, it is suggested that you learn some basic rules of MLA style and implement it in your essay as it is widely accepted by the entire college system.

Check out some useful tips on MLA style:

Universal Formatting:

How to write titles, citations and page numbers:

  • Writing in Italics emphasizes the title and highlights it.

  • Ensure that your endnotes are written on a separate piece of paper just prior to the bibliography or the works cited page.

  • Prepare a title page only when asked by your professor.

  • Type your full name on the first page of essay on upper left corner.

  • Just a line below your name, write your professor’s name. Write the name of your course under your professor’s name. And finally, underneath that you should print the date on which your material is getting typed.

  • Insert page numbers on the upper right corner of the page. Make sure that your last name stands on the left side of the page numbers.

  • Place the title on the centre of your essay just below the line of the date.

  • Longer works should be represented in Italics form. It would place emphasis on your work.

  • Use numbers for defining sections. They should be followed by periods so that they can be easily categorized in sub divisions. For example for demarcating all the sections separately, one space should be left after typing the section name. For example- 1. Section One, 2. Section Two and so forth.

  • How to cite the work?

    A well organized bibliography should be used on the work cited page. Keep a few things and their spellings in your mind like

    If you are using a list of books as a reference, arrange them in alphabetical order and list them by the author’s last name.

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