The Key To Selecting Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics

The argumentative essay is one of the most common writing assignments you will encounter throughout your academic career. As a student, you are required to thoroughly investigate an idea, gather and analyze evidence surrounding that idea and then establishing a position you discuss throughout the paper. One of the biggest challenges students have with this assignment comes before even starting the writing process; it comes when they have to select an interesting topic. Here is the key to choosing a great one in three steps:

Develop a List of 3 – 5 Possible Writing Topics You Care About

Argumentative essays are a lot easier to write when you choose to discuss things that you are really passionate about. The first step to writing an interesting assignment is developing 3 to 5 really good ideas you care about. Consider your audience when you are thinking about these. Nothing is off limits but you don’t want to choose something that can be offensive or draw a lot of opposition. List your ideas and brainstorm a bit with each one. Have some related sub-ideas to focus your original ones a bit more.

Start Freewriting a Page or Two on Issues from Your List

After brainstorming your ideas and creating either a cluster page or mind map for each, start freewriting a page or two. Just get down what your initial gut feeling tells you. This is only an exercise to help you choose your interesting topic, so there aren’t any rules other than to write between one and two pages. Don’t get bogged down with making corrections as you go. The most effective approach is to write swiftly and efficiently. You’ll be using one of your best free-writes as a starting point for a developed outline, so just stick to getting your ideas down.

Decide if You Have Enough Supporting Evidence to Write on a Topic

Before you get started on your argumentative essay you should take a few minutes to consider if you have enough supporting evidence available to you to comprise a well-thought paper. It’s not enough to be passionate about a topic, you also must be sure that you can find figures, facts, or data that supports the claim you will be making. Sometimes students allow themselves to get so fired about an idea that they fail to see the difficulty in proving their thesis because of the lack of evidence.

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