A List Of Intriguing Persuasive Essay Topics For High School

In a persuasive essay, you should convince the reader to adopt your viewpoint or take a particular action. It’s a great chance to share your ideas on something you believe in and make others respect your position.

Why to Choose an Intriguing Topic

Picking a controversial topic is the trick to any successful persuasive essay. If the issue isn’t universally agreed upon, you can take one side and persuade your reader that this side is more reasonable. Lots of controversial topics are commonly popular among high students. Unfortunately, popular topics are overused as well, and it’s more than likely that your teacher will be bored by the need to read a range of pretty much the same essays on smoking or capital punishment. Therefore, your teacher will definitely appreciate if you select an intriguing topic for your persuasive paper. Don’t take a tried way but pick a new and unexplored path. After all, it isn’t difficult to intrigue your reader with your topic. Look at a usual issue at a new angle or pick to explore a disturbing problem in your locality.

Persuasive Essay Topics to Boost Your Inspiration

Look through the following list of persuasive topic ideas that are likely to intrigue your reader. Pick any of them for your paper or use these ideas to be inspired:

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